Twilio demo suite

This project is live here During my time working in Twilio, I realised that we do not have an easy way to show all Twilio products from a webapp, without goi...

a simple android weather app

This is a simple weather App for Android. It retrieves data from OpenWeather by your current location. Here is the GitHub Repo:

Versioning Your API -- Three Mainstream Solutions and My Ideas

Why VersioningFor those who wish to scale their system from a legacy, coupled or even single-instance application to a more modern, and scalable system, ther...

Reactivity in ES6, Vue & my implementation

I have been wrapping up new ideas got from Vue London since last week. I’m really happy to see the community of Vue has grown to such a scale. There is an in... (Test user: Password: testtest) TravelGrid is a one-step travel package booking software aiming to integrate multipl...

Dotmap - A city discovery app

apk can be downloaded here: you are in a totally strange city or just want to explore the mysteries in your own...

3D Printer -- How to config a cheap one

After a year of hard work, you finally realize it’s the time to compensate yourself with some toys. And… One word in short, you bought yourself a 3D printer ...

An AR chemical element modal based on Google ARCore ScreenshotsView in different angles:

Atom programming

There was a book I read before, about how to code in a generic way. People always regards themselves as a Java programmer, c# programmer or etc but at the en...

A drag and drop file encryption / decryption software using RSA

Download from: Screenshots:Launch screen.Encryption in progress. The 256bit private and public key w...