apk can be downloaded here:

Imagine you are in a totally strange city or just want to explore the mysteries in your own city. Dotmap provides you a way to log down all places you have been to. As more you have discovered the city, more parts on the map will be revealed. It also has a function letting you checking in to the local famous spots.

This is a cross platform app built on Cordova, Vue.js, Leaflet, bootstrap and etc..

Backend: Python Django framework, PostgreSQL with POSTGIS GIS extension Django RESTFUL framework, Django token authentication and etc..

This app supports GeoJson encoded data by introducing POSTGIS. And all data is easy to access from the Django admin page.
upload successful

Test User: (admin, password: TestTest123)

upload successful
The main activity page.

upload successful
Real environment test on a trim.

upload successful
View popular spots close to you and the checking-in function.